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من البذور على متن

carbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and texturescarbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and texturescarbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and texturescarbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and texturescarbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and textures

carbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and textures

  • carbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and textures
  •     Size:15-27mm thickness,width:1220mm length:2440mm
  •     Grade:A
  •     Color:carbonizing and antique
  •     Process:carbonizing
  •     Usage:for the table,chair,cabinet for many kinds of textures
carbonizing and antique board with multiple different colors and textures
    Size:15-27mm thickness,width:1220mm length:2440mm
    Color:carbonizing and antique
    Usage:for the table,chair,cabinet for many kinds of textures
    Wood species:poplar wood
Different kinds of colors and textures
Water proof panels
Different kinds of colors and textures

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